Drag On Your Hopeless Kiss

Feeling: blah
Ok so i wrote this down and forgot to post it so heres yesterday entry and ill up dat on todays l8er: "Ok soo today i went boxing day shopping and it was fun, except my dad was an ass for most of it but meh he was ok at times, i was gunna buy clothes but it was so packed im going tomorrow :P, today i bought a new digital camera! and it rox!!!! i loves it, umm ya nothing really happend becides shopping, me and mom and dad went out to lunch so that was funny, i threw a fry at my dad, and i was have a flirt off with a hot guy at another table it was cute he'd look and smile, i'd smile and look away, back and forth:P, so ya that was fun, when i got home i watched a movie and played a video game for a bit, then read and listed to my COF cd:D, so that was my boring day tomorrow better be more exciting lol bye ppl ill update tomorrow:D ~*~Emo Slut~*~ "
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