3. Prom delimmas

Feeling:overwhelmed Listening to keyboard keys getting pushed down with alot of fingers I'm in English right now, still haven't taken my Alg. test. But now I'm working on Resumes, and college apps, and personal statements and that's all just a little over whelming for me! I mean Prom's next month and I haven't looked for any dresses, and I haven't even talked to my Mom or Zeek about it...I really didn't feel like going (i've never done anything for the school or went to anything major)but my bf dropped out his junior yr and hasn't been to prom so he kinda wants to go so...I thought I'd go this year and if I like it I'll go next, too. The problem with Robbie is, is that he refuses to wear a tux, but if he wants to go to this...he has to! no ifs ands or buts. Sorry but that's just the way it is. Well I'ma bounce like Tigger! Love and Butterflies!
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hey...he could be like the guys at my prom and wear a white and pink tux with sneakers...tell him it's either this or a regular tux..i'm sure he'll look great in black...lol.

one love,
