
Well, I think they (my family)actually scared him off. It's all good tho. hehe. What’s wrong with me all I do is think about my ex and if I did the wrong thing by breaking up with him. I feel better about doing it. But now I feel lonely and I hate it. I have a feeling I’m never gonna find a good guy. I’m drawn to all the wrong ones and I hate that fact! And I feel that he's the only guy who will ever be with me. But I know I did the right thing in order not to be miserable any more. I mean all we did was fight and he's gonna be 24 and he still lives with mama without a job or an education. I'm such a loser, god. But i'm sure i'll find mr. right some day! Love and Butterflies!
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WHOA de ja vous! all i have to say is.. wooord to this entry. lol im weird. but yeah you will.. find mr right that is. i think it was a very smart decision you made to break up with him. your not the loser.. kinda sounds like he is. so yeah just keeeeep on truckin.
hey what's up well the reason why she went to jail because she hit tammie my aunt and my aunt push her down because she thought she was going to hurt her agin and the person that called the cops was my mom and she went and the evel women went to jail and she has charges of asult and battery but my grandpa bailed her out of jail and so later on she went to richard young and comented her self to get help which shock me a lot go to go bye.
trust me amy you did the right thing on breakig up with robbie hes sick and ugly and no girl should have to tell her boyfriend to take a bath or to put on deoderent. YOU WERE SMART