
yes i know i was going alil haywire yesterday but it was fun!! Ahh only 2 1/2 more days left in HELL!!! And i will be outta school, and Tessa wants me to come up to her place for a week...won't that be tight? And Lisa's seemed shocked when she found out Tessa has a new man! It was great! Ahhh...I'm so tired! Well that's about all i guess for now anyways...let's hope i don't get started on quizes again?!?!! so yea love and butterflies! RiahLee
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Teresa can get any guy she wants but trusting u is a mistake especially trustin the bum of a "man" u have no job, no edu. hes a loser... good for nada
he bumin off my aunt for 3 yrs. bout time he gets lazy a outTeresa & cotterz dezerve da best i luv coterz alway will no1 can ever chang dat
i no i cant see coco but dat dont mader i luv her u guyz better not hurt her or teresa... or use them..i mean it!!! bc yall are good at usin peeps
I mean look at katie shes a really nice gurl and look what u and robbie did used her for her $ & talk crap u always pop an atitude she deserves better
talk trash about me see if i care robbie is a loser!! 23 doesnt have a job or shit... all he does is lay on his ass what a great life