dying of bordom

Feeling: beaming
I'm having a good day! Finals started today that kinda sucked but I'm alright! I've fallen head over heals for Jeff... this time I haven't changed my mind in like 3 weeks... wow! He came to get me from school yesterday... We went and got Bob and George and went over to Jamie's house to help her with her kids.. because Courtlyn was in the hospital from Sunday until yesterday! She was on the news because the clown went to go see her at the hospital it was so cute! I finally got a job which means I should be getting my permit soon I start work on Tuesday last day of school first day of work .. fun fun.. I had orientation today tho! SO THAT was interesting.. I like Jabali he's nice.. he's my manager.. I feel really comfortable joking around with him and stuff.. so that's cool!There's this really cute dude that works there named Andre and he was the first person that talked to me.. the sad part is he has to go home next week.. and home to him is Russia! But he might stay another year.. me and Jabali were trying to talk him into it today!I really hope he does.. he's so sweet! Matt's really pissed off I told him me and Jeff were together. Wow.. he blew up at me.. that was REALLY crazy! Well.. I don't really have much more to say! G2g.. love ya tho! Love a.a.f. Keska Lynn B.O.T.D. My grandparents
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