It'll all be okay Jessica. Time heals all wounds, no matter how deep. remember that I'm here for you 100000000% ^_^
Love always,
It'll all be okay Jessica. Time heals all wounds, no matter how deep. remember that I'm here for you 100000000% ^_^
Love always,
Don't worry it's not your fault ..people fall for people and can't help it BUT you can stop liking him and it won't be easy getting over him but when you do it's a lot better and i will help you not hurt Jeff ...
WHERE ARE YOU ???? i'm bored i wish i had a life ....i really really really really miss Scott ....i heard you were going to tell Chad you were going to break up with Jeff and he was RIGHT there but nichelle kinda stopped you before you did have you talked to him ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????byes love me
hey keshka