It's the most wonderful time..

we had an early dismissel today =]!! my last period was lunch.. amazing. awesome times tito =P....uhh... taking pics, laughing and making noise, more drama with danielle and anisa against the world. haha. hm.. shrams was pretty boring and then it got worse by the fing cooking teacher not being in school for us to cook. then.... we had the bring it thing.. got nowhere with that one. 4th period was a quiz i guess. real easy. i hope i passed. uh.. um.. not much went on. my dad picked me up and i came home to my cuute bead belt being broke =[ the beads were all over the ground and outside and stuff. oh well. eh. i tried to sleep but i cant sleep during the day for some reason. i wish i could =/ life is pretty slow. not much going on. mesha and i tried to figure out livejournal.. but yea that went down the drain. haha. i have no life. i sit here and talk to people about nothing and eat and try and make this thing better but then i give up. w.e. not much more to say then that.. <3 Rachy
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