Yesterday <33

so yesterday.. was valentines day. it was pretty nice. alex was my valentine and he gave me this ADORABLE little stuffed animal puppy with some amazing chocolates =P haha. loved it. then later that night.. he asked me out and of course i said yes! sucha a cutie!! love ya! but yea yesterday went well. mesha and i just basked in the glory of a "disaster" haha love ya. but it was a fun day. we just fooled around most of the day. being our dorky selves. what else is new. then becca gave me a call and some drama went down and john called and told me happy valentines day. thought that was nice. hmm.. hope they are both alright with everything =/ i really do. well today was just a fun day. everyone finding out about alex and i. fun fun. played ultimate frisbee ( dont know how to spell it ) and had fun there.uh.. math is getting harder and harder as we speak. lunch is just dumb. spanish is they gayest class ive ever had. and 7th and 8th just make my day. made dev look pretty. lol. he called me fat. what a slut! haha. well ill write more later.
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dude im happy for u!! its good u found someone else!
have fun with alex!


i hate my math class..soo fricking hard
--just leaving a little message--

meshh :)