survey done by nicholas and i

rachel is first, and then nick [a]ge: 14 ; 16 [b]estfriends: mesha & nick ; kurt & rach [c]hoice of meat: ribs ; steak - medium well [d]ream date: being with my lover and looking out at the stars ; trip to the city or curise on a boat. [e]xciting adventure: conquering my fear of hights by a trip to Six Flags ; cross country trip [f]avorite food: ribs!! ; spagetti and meat balls [g]reatest accomplishment: makikng it through the accident, or doing good in school, or making everyone happy, or saving myself for marriage ; idk [h]appiest day of your life: wow.. thats alot. the day i met nick, day we surrvived the accident, and a lot more ; 2.19.05 and idk [i]nterests: cheerleading, softall, Nick, friends, school, science, math ; baseball, computers, music, music, music, driving, rach, and friends [j]ello: um... any kind i guess ; green k]ool aid: um.. idk ; green [l]ove: romantic ; idk [m]ost valued: life, friends, family, purity ring ; life and being me [n]ame: nick ; nicholas [o]utfit you wore to school today: jeans, and nick's green shirt with the naked lady onn it that is just an outline, but i dont like it any way ; jeans, and a green stripped button up [p]izza topping: plain ; meatballs from Dominos [q]uestion most asked: whats up ; so how big is it? [r]adio station: z100 ; k rock [s]port: cheerleading.. or softball ; baseball [t]elevision show: LOST, Deperate Housewives, 24, Point Pleasant, and some others ; 24, CSI [u]r favorite song: All that I've Got by the Used ; Falling away from me by Korn [v]alentine: ive only had like 2 ; dunno [w]here you live: Hopatcong ; Hopatcong [x]yz: ?? ; idk [y]ear born: 1990 ; 1988 [z]odiac sign: leo ; sagitarius
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hah..this reminds me of the survey me n u tried to do together but it didn't save.. funniest thing ever we spent hours on that thing!

mesh :)