
Feeling: curious
ok so tons has been going on. last night was freaking AWESOME!! after school mel, steph and kait came over and we just chilled and ate lettuce and gummy bears. haha. then we went to the HS and watched the wrestling match. casey came too :) and kim was there and this little kid was like attched to her and she hates little kids so it was entertaining. hahaha. then we all went different ways and mel came over my house and we made signs for kait, steph, casey and mesha. we were the idiots in the back jumping up and down with signs. hahahha. it was sooooo funny. im glad we didnt get kicked out. that would have sucked.then i got a hug from him :) yay. then we all went to franks. me, steph,kait, mel, mark, matt and stephs mom. that was just an night in itself. canoli = oh boy. steph cant win a fight. ahhaha. i love you guys ♥ so today im going to makr cookies with my grandma ♥ :) should be freaking awesome. alright im gonna to take a shower. peaceeeeee
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