Quotes from Holly

well, the tears are starting to slow down now.. but the pain, however, remains constant. Before I was so scared of losing him, of not being able to hear his voice, his laugher, feel his arms around me... but now I know that those are things I wouldn't ever be able to forget.. things I can't lose because they will forever be a part of me and who I am. Maybe he's doing the same thing as me.. maybe he wants so bad to call me, but just won't because I haven't called him... then again, maybe I shouldn't fill myself with false hope that he might just be missing me like I'm missing him. It seems that untill I find someone else who'll love me... I cant move on from the only one who ever has. And I hate that everytime the phone rings... I want so bad for it to be you. I was so scared to tell you how i felt, to admit to myself that this was something special i was feeling.. but i told you.. and you said you felt the same, so there's just one thing i want to know... how did this not end up happily ever after?? Kiss me Hold me You’ve got me Speechless - Beyonce* I know you think we can't be together, but can't you respect me enough to let me make my own decision? I know there'll be risks but I want to face them with you. It's wrong that we should be only half alive... half of ourselves. I love you. So here I am - standing in your doorway. I have always been standing in your doorway. Isn't it about time somebody saved your life?- Spiderman 2 It's weird... yeah I miss you, but it's so much more then that.. I miss the way my heart stopped at just the sight of you & that smile ... god that smile.. the sad part about it is, your smile isn't the only one that I'm missing.. I miss my own. The one that's only there... when yours is. Its not about butterflies in the first kiss, but that theyre still there in the last. i enjoyed the time i spent with him, only beacause i knew i might never get it back. i would look at him.. and just, sort of try to freeze things in my memory, like his smile, his walk... and the way he looks at me. i hope the part of you that is missing while i am gone.. affects you more than you can handle.. i hope its the part that would usually start your day off well, so that now you'll get up each morning wondering why you feel miserable. i hope its the part that wants to kiss other girls, and now you find you are unable to let your lips touch anyone but my own. and finally, i hope its the part that allows you to sleep well, and instead you will toss and turn regretting the day you said i was part of you or rather, the day you forgot to tell me you no longer wanted it.
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Hey I just got through reading alot of your entries and I really feel for you. I would really like to talk to you cause we are so much alike and I need someone to talk to. Write me back please. I am 15 yrs old.
Hey how can I IM you? Thanks for writing me back. How did you get your background? Well if you write me back just let me know how to IM you cause I am kind of new at this. Thanks, Summer
hey these are really amazing quotes! and whoever they are about i hope he realizes what u wrote about :/