i met nicky and u didnt

Listening to: the good life
Feeling: amused
Me and Allegra went to south coast and met Nicky Hilton. Shes sooo much hotter in person then in pics. Definitly beat in pics. She put up with alot today. Props to Nicky.. and she most definitly will remember me and ALlegra bc we forgot our cams and i used my sidekick(phone) to take the pics below and allegra didnt know how to work it. SHe was holding it upside down.. leading to the worng button... she liked it. i liked it. =) me and allegy with nicky Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com chad is the best. he mailed me so much neat stuff.. like this shirt he made. such a talented little fellow he is Image hosted by Photobucket.com later.. us girls wanted to dance. so we did we went out and danced the night away... katie was a hippie tho Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com we got sooo toxicated so we played with some color! ahhhhh Image hosted by Photobucket.com woooow rita blonde???? Image hosted by Photobucket.com hahahaha Image hosted by Photobucket.com this makes me a lebaneese blonde.. but im sober now so im back to my natural roots goodnight and i love chad incase you d i d n t know
Read 8 comments
hot pics♥

im me i wanna know how you get all your damn pics here.

cause i have a sidekick too

im me

niky's hair looks weird... no more weird than yours though! :)
niky's hair looks weird... no more weird than yours though! :)
you have a prettty background and your pictures rock

love the photos
as always

i dont know if you remember me at all my names rachel but i just wanted to say i enjoy looking at all your pictures and your entrys and stuff its cool lol
rita baby, i lover you. (blonde, brown, whatever). you are hawwwwt!

erin (h)