its peirced

Listening to: my chemical romance
Feeling: accomplished
i FINALLY GOT MY LIP PEIRCED!!!!!!!! theres a whole in my lip der lizia dear lizia theres a whole in my lip dear lizia a whole. jm- i love you to death. and im not changing! you should know that more then anyone. a whole isnt changing who i am. your changing so much as well though and thats part of why your getting these vibes. you will always be my best freind and no one will ever replace you. and i hate more then anything for you to think i would change for anybody or any freinds that i am with. things are good. and i KILLED romeo.. fuck romeo " romeo must die" =) rita BJORK IS KICK ASS
Read 29 comments
i love u rita.... yeah... just remember i gots the hook ups.... bye bye
i don't have the guts to get my lip pierced and there's always the problem of my parents not letting me..haha well later

oooo gosh ive been wanting that forever now!!!! honstly forever!!!!!! ugh no fair i have to get all a's to get that!!
rita i liiiiiikkkkkkkkkkeeeee it a lotttttttttttttttttt. yeah it definetely looks good.

hey, it looks kewl not ur fault i am a failure at life lol
wow....thats good.... maybe it hurt to me cuz i did it by myself? not the lip but the tongue lol....lots of luv =.) ciao!
neat pete
man that lip is hott. not the bottom but the top lip. yeah i'm too much of a baby to get anything pierced but if i did then it would prolly be my um eyebrow but yeah again with the baby problem.
Wow you look super pretiful with your monroe!!! What grade are you in? I'm a senior and I remember when I was a freshmen I got my d*ck peirced! It was sore fore like a week but I'm sure you wanted to know that! Well take care sweety!
Ps. Way2go on the good looks!!!
Lol. I asked because (while it is quite a lovely piercing) I was quite absorbed with your eyes and failed to notice it.
My honest opinion? What piercing? You have enchanting eyes. Enough pathetic admiring from some guy on the internet. I like the piercing.

congrats on the lip piercing!
There is, within every honesty uttered, no need for gratitude or thousands upon hundreds of thank you's. Though they are appreciated. I'm greedy like that.
ooo lip pierced....thats cool. that'd be awesome to have, except id probably rip it on something knowing me...i really want my belly button pierced. except everytime i say that, i cringe cause i sound so...cutesy teen miami beach girl. lol
Pain free it is then. But, if you would forgive my insolent forwardness and my tender vanity (for I know you naught but for your diary and that you wear splendid shirts), I must observe then that coupled with your delectable features, this metal piercing and all it encompasses must be delicately beautiful.
ooo why must he die? ooo well maybe theres room for me but i talk alot well kinda i am me and u cannot change me!! lip ring kewl isnt it 6mounths of nothing or something!!
Sounds delicately painful.
haha yeah that makes sense. but the parents wouldnt let me get my lip pierced. fudjsakdsa them!

i agree. boys in girl pants are god.
well i think we can talk alot people can't stop me from talking when i start and i am also lonly
i have my lip pierced too. i got it done last week. it didnt hurt, did yours? <3

-Princess "jennifers friend"
use a seperate picture host, than link from there.

i was going to get my monroe done too, i got my septum instead. but oh man i wanted a monroe soooooo bad. i bet it looks grand
ouch.... did it hurt when you got it pierced?!?!?!?!... wow im such a loozer lol =.) lots of luv ciao!
Boys in girl pants.

Get one what...
claps for lip peircing
who's bijork? u mean Bjork... doufus! well... gald u killed romeo... what the hell though..."Romeo Must Die" was a horrible title for a movie! lol..
well then fix it dear henry dear henry dear henry well then fix it dear henry dear henry fix it.

Lucky you. I want my lip pierced.
im jelous. i want to get my lip pirced soo badly. everytime i even talk to my mom about it we get into a huge ass fight. rahh. so i have to wait till im like 18 and i can move out. dammit. okay well just thought id leave my pretty friend with a lip pirceing a comnet.
toodles kiddo.
NO NO NO! I KILLED ROMEO YOU CAN"T TAKE WHAT IS MINE!!!! GRRROWLLL! I wonder who Jm is, hmm, could it be my buddy Joel Mudd?! *ponders*
Eh, who cares what i say lol, i just went nuts cause a couple dumb things that happened around here. Lol, and you got your lip pierced! That's fucking awesome, i got my labrey pierced a while ago, lol, we should put these to good use! I love you rita!!!