fuck this forever

Listening to: azure ray- diisplaced
Feeling: drained
i hate this and ii never seem to be able too escape it. am i really the bad one. do i always do something wrong to fuck up everything. if so PLEASE someone, anyone let me know. im so tiired of this battle i have to fight constantly. i hate how you think you can lie to me. and i hate you for doing this to all my freinds. i am over you!and i have someone bettter. so maybe its you thats not over me so you need to go through all my freiinds to make me feel empty. well ii am not. fuck the both of you fuck people fuck the world its nothing but liars and a game of jelousy. and im done playiing it. ii wont care for anyone ever.
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Yeahh.. too bad I love you..

And i will beat whoever that is up for you if you want me to.

