{59} being

Okay.. so this week has been AWESOME!!! All weekend I was sick… so that wasn’t so awesome… but Monday I stayed home because I told my mom I was still not feeling well and I got to talk to my guy… (still doesn’t want me to name him yet…), as well as james(he really pissed me off.. more on that later…), and kyle… And yesterday was AMAZING!!! I was still a little sick… but in the morning, after my mom dropped me off at school.. “he” picked me up… we went back to his place… and… ahem…. Yeah…. But it was INCREDIBLE!!! I fucking love him sooooooooo much!!! He spoils me too…. I mean.. he frickin bought me a psp when all I said was it’d be cool to have one… I LOVE HIM!!! And Monday when I was talking to kyle he said he was going to be near me that night, and he’d try to stop by… but surprise, surprise… he didn’t… oh well… he keeps forgetting about me.. to call me… oh well.. I guess I’m just not that important to him.. oh well… And the james story…. So I called him on Monday.. and I was wishing him a happy birthday again.. and I asked him what he did for it… he told me he just did the usual.. got drunk and all the fun stuff… and the he proceeded to tell me that someone offered him meth for his birthday and he accepted… (he had previously promised me that he wouldn’t do that ever again….) so I kept calling him a “fucking dumbass” (cause that REALLY is what he is for doing that shit..) and then he called me a bitch… so I was rightly pissed off… and he asked me if I was pissed off and I said no, cause you know me… I never really admit it to the person.. at least not right away… but then he kept going on about how me calling him a dumbass when he already knew that he was actually extremely bitchy… but my argument was that if he really did realize that he was stupid for doing it.. then he wouldn’t do it… I mean he turned a chick in for doing meth… and I’m actually considering turning him in… I don’t even really know why him and i are still friends… I really don’t think that we will be for very much longer…. Who do you think is right???
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