thats a kool song u hav playing in the background, who is it and how do u do that
good luck times 2, thanx for the help, much appreciated
haha its oceanavenue with a ZERO for the o...
oh yea oceanavenue is meee ((memoriesofyou)) haha forgot that little detail
I did what u told me to do but the stupid ass thing didn't work, so i tried the alternative code thing and it still didn't work? got any ideas
hehe! i looove that song tooo!! but hello houston...AAH omg...YES!! lol
GooD lUcK!!! and the quiz thingy hhahahaha -amanda
GooD lUcK!!! and the quiz thingy hhahahaha -amanda
well.. i happen tO thing that it's a kinda gay name fOr a schOol but that's just me! haha! well.. i'm gettin ready tO gO sOmewhere sO i'll talk tO yOu layder!

xOxO // steph