The sea is foaming like a bottle of beer.

Listening to: Weezer
Feeling: achy
it is 6:16 am and Franz Ferdinand is on my diary now. i am dancing to it rite now. heh. You know i noticed something new just now-- people are just too damn depressed. or at least they think they are. people have convinced themselvs into thinking that there is something wrong with being happy. i cannot say i am the happiest person. But i can say that i try. i seem to learn something new every minute, every hour, every day. [heh-Darkness] And yes, i did tear up during Harry Potter & the prisoner of Azkaban... go ahead and call me a loser. "i'm a loser baby, so why dont yah kill me..."-Beck. Alright, Holla. Jessica.
Read 40 comments
GASP! ITS ANDREW!! AHH I LOVE HIM AND SOMETHING CORPORATE! AHH your my new found friend =) sorry if I scared you already.
oh, nd no I'm not Catholic.I'm Christian. As in the non Catholic kind.
ha kool diary... i lyke tha song u got on there one of my favs... :)
[Anonymous] your music on here.
aww i like that movie...i saw it twice...
Just stop
testing this picture thing!

haha i love harry potter so i guess im a loser too. oh well...
hey have i ever mentioned that andy picture is is so my later
hey have i ever mentioned that andy picture is is so my later
You cried at that too?! I did, and my friends made fun of me forever. You sound kewl.
aww thanks
dammit your popular!
aww i like fraz ferdinad haha dont know how to spell it...i like you top thing its...modest mouse right!? haha i love them hope all is well

whats up jessica just wanted to thank you for being a friend you hoe face lol ttyl love the kyle
Mi madre es muy buena. I just hate my father's memory.
haha wow your lucky
i can not find a boyfriend who likes punk/emo
oh well
wow, Its great to be happy true that
But haha wow I can hardly ever smile and I'm not happy.
This site is quite depressing.
haha franz ferendidad er how ever the hell you spell it
is fun to dance too!
have a groovy day =)
im going to see that movie today! hahahA
well thanks..thats helps.
oh prom dress! i desighned it. then my tailor stole the desighn and sold it for 20 times the price! that was mine dammit hahah.
oh...I dunno if u saw it yet, but fahrenheit is for people who like being reminded of how horrible the human race can be. I cried.
for some reason, i can't really get behind hollister or AE. i feel as if you're paying money for clothes that have been worn a lot already. some shirts are pretty neat though.
yaa i was gunna but his cell is on lol so id wake him up ne ways.
hmm, surf naked.
I've gotta try that some time =)
Hehehe, i think i'll pass this time. =)
YAY modest mouse!!!!

you are amazing!!!!!
SoCo does own.
SoCo does own.
ahh...great song..
i would love to be a thrift store hoe, but instead i've a gap slut and just love to hit up the sale racks. it's a sickness. i think last month, i spent over 300 dollars there? geez.
i actually didnt know about the whole nofx thing til i started a journal here and people were all "oh, pump up the valium, nofx, rock on!" i just thought it sounded cool.

party on, wayne.

have a nice night.
hey lol ya i love that icon lol my friend let me steal it..its true sum girls are too shy to say if they love someone or not me i jus say it..and w/e happens happens..even if thye dont love me back at least i kno how they feel lol.
LOVE your music!

***has just put Franz F on***
:) thanks :)
thanks for the compliment. and yes, op iv is kick ass.
youre my god ;)
My father is the scumb of this earth.
aww thats the most sweetest thing ive heard about u saving that I love you for him lol. Wow u must be a realll sweetheart.
yes, it annoys me how many people come no SIT because they think its a place to be depressed. why isnt there some sort of support system for these people?!
haha aww welll tell him i say hey! back going to bed tho...its like 4 here..or sumthin yeah and i finally gots the guts to call my boo ya but he didnt pik up and thats good cuz im wayyy to nervous!
-Goodnite +sweetdreams when u go to bed!
