Feeling: amused
General 1) nickname/s: Katey, Squeaka, Spanky, Chrono 2) birthday: April 26th, 1990 3) zodiac sign: Taurus 4) height: 5'7 5) weight: Like I'll tell you 6) shoe size: 9 1/2 - 10 Animals 1) favourite animal/s: Cats, Ferrets, and Hamsters 2) animal you look most like: Don't know 3) animal you would like to be for a day and why: Ferret ^^ 4) any pets: 3 Cats (Squeak, Curley Sue, and Little Boy), 4 Horses (Midnight, Star, Cookie, and Cocoa), 1 Dog (Ammo. Chewy was put to sleep), 3 ferrets 5) ever been attacked by an animal: The Soul Eating Frankie The Cat 6) have you ever eaten an animal that wouldnt normally be eaten: Horse. (McDonalds Hamburgers are horse meat) 7) any animal you hate and why: Aardvarks. That show Arthur ruined it. People 1) can you count all your real friends on one hand?: No 2) if someone tried to chat you up with a cheesy line, what would you do?: Depends 3) do you often argue with people?: Yes and that will be my career 4) do you make friends easily?: Depends 5) what qualities do you like in a person?: Funny, Talkative, A bit opposite of myself 6) what qualities do you dislike in a person?: The gift of being annoying 7) have you had a lot of relationships?: No 8) do you believe online relationships can work?: Yeah 9) have you ever been in love?: Yes 10) more then once?:...Yes. 11) have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No 12) sexual preference: Bi 13) ever cheated on a boy/girlfriend?: No 14) ever been cheated on?: Yes Philosophy 1) do you belong to any religion?: Christian/Wiccan/Catholic 2) any strong views on religion?: You shouldnt kill in the name of God 3) do you believe in god and why?: Sometimes. 4) satan?: ...My principal... 5) what do you think happens to us after we die?: You can float in nuetral, Go To Heaven, or Go To hell 6) why are we here?: Cause God needs some entertainment 7) why are you here?: I'm the main comedy/soap opera act 8) do you believe in aliens?: Sorta 9) what is at the edge of the universe?: There is no edge. 10) have you ever seen a ghost?: Yes 11) ever had a dream that came true?: Yes 12) do you believe in fate?: Of course. I also believe in Karma ^^ 13) or luck?: Yes 14) love at first sight?: Yes Stereotypes 1) what do most people label you as?: Cutter 2) do you label other people?: Oh Yeah 3) is there any stereotype of person that you dislike?: *Eye twitch* The really stupid preps. Aly in my Science class for example. HOW MANY PEOPLE DONT KNOW HOW TO SPELL JESUS OR WATER?! ACK! But, some preps can be cool. *Would know this cause she used to be one* 4) if so, why?: Refer to above 5) why do you think people conform to stereotypes?: Cause we just do 6) did you put that most people label you as (your name)?: No 7) Do you think you're unique?: A wise person once said "You are not a beautiful unique snowflake. You are the same ugly organic decaying matter as everyone else." But yeah I can be unique at times. 8) do you label yourself as a particular stereotype?: Punk Goth 9) if so, why do you label yourself this way? if not, why not?: Cause I am Me. 10) do you dress in any other way than the 'norm': Um... 11) what would you typically wear on a day at home?: Joe Boxer PJ Pants with a random t-shirt and my Gelly Bracelets cause I never take them off. 12) what about on a night out?: Trench Coat, Tripp NYC Pants, Combat Boots, a Random T-shirt and my Gelly Bracelets. 13) why do you dress the way you do?: Cause I want to. Duh. Would you rather...? 1) be poked in the eye with a pen OR stand on a drawing pin? why?: Poked in the eyes 2) be eaten alive by a gorilla OR be washed out to sea? why?: Washed out to sea 3) not brush your teeth for a week OR not shower for 3 weeks? why?: Teeth. 4) eat a live slug OR a dead rat? why?: Live Slug. 5) jog through a town naked OR stand on one foot for 24 hours? why?: My foot 6) burn your computer OR snap all of your cds? why?: O.O NEITHER! I CANT LIVE WITHOUT EITHER! Family 1) who do you live with?: My mom, Little Brother, Stepdad, Little Sister 2) do you get on well with your family?: Sure... Lets go with that 3) any siblings?: 3 4) closest family member?: Little sister 5) do you share a room?: Only when Skye thinks I'm mentally unstable 6) are your parents divorced?: Yes 7) would you ever adopt?: Yes 8) do you want a family of your own one day?: Of course Would you ever...? 1) kill a person in self defence?: Yes 2) kill a person because you hated them?: Depends on what they did to me first. 3) steal from a loved one?: A dollar from the Trip Jar for Ice Cream 4) have sex with someone for a lot of money?: No. Lemme rephrase that. HELL NO 5) have sex with someone for a reasonable amount of money?: No 6) lie to someone you loved if it meant they would be happy?: No. 7) physically hurt a stranger because you thought it would be funny?: No 8) beat someone up who you disliked?: If they pissed me off enough 9) commit adultery?: Again...HELL NO 10) get married before the age of 20?: No. Music 1) a genre you particularly like and why: Rock, Goth Rock 2) a genre you particularly dislike and why: Rap... Only Eminem can get through 3) favourite bands: MCR, Green Day, Slipknot, Metallica, Fall Out Boy, U2, Coldplay, Pink Floyd (The last 3 Cause Kat and Michael just had to talk about em ^^), The Used, and Evanescence 4) a band you hate and why: BRITNEY SPEARS! 5) do people assume you like particular bands because of how you dress?: Yeeup 6) are the bands they guess right?: Yeeup 7) what do you think of nu-metal?: Don't know? 8) what do you look for in a good song?: A nice tempo 9) what do you look for in good lyrics?: Same answer as Kat 10) do you know the words to your favorite songs?: Oh yeah 11) do you know the names of the bandmembers of all your favourite bands?: Yep 12) is music what you live for?: Does bowing down before Gerard Way count? 13) do you play any instruments?: Guitar, Drums, Keyboard 14) can you read music?: Yeah 15) would you ever listen to orchestral music?: Sometimes 16) have you been influenced musically by your parents/people you live with?: My stepdad got me into Slipknot and Metallica. Skye introduced me to Fall Out Boy 17) do your friends all like the same bands as you?: Yeah 18) do you have a crush on the lead singer of your favourite band?: Gerard Way. BOW BEFORE THE HOTNESS! 19) if i snapped/stole all your cds, what would you do to me?: O.O DONT EVEN JOKE LIKE THAT!! 20) go to many gigs/concerts?: Every once and awhile 21) who have you seen live?: MCR & The Used this upcoming summer. Fall Out Boy during spring break. Green Day last November. 22) are you in a band yourself?: Yep. Politically Correct 23) have you ever played for an audience?: yes 24) have you ever told anyone their music taste is crap?: Yes Style 1) on a normal day, how would you usually do your hair?: Ponytail 2) ever dyed your hair an unatural colour?: Purple 3) do you have any piercings/tattoos?: Ears (3 times), soon my belly button 4) Any scars or distinguishing features?: One on the back of my leg from when a piece of glass went all the way down it, Two on my hand from a fight, Another behind my ear from a fight 5) trousers or skirts, and why?: Trousers? Dude..No. Can I just go with pants? 6) do you enjoy shoes?: *Huggles my converse shoes* 7) what do you think of fashion?: To each his own. 8) ever considered that all these 'goth' kids are just following a fashion too: Yeah 9) do people think that your style is a bit bizarre?: Yeah. 10) what colour do you mainly wear?: << >> Black 11) ever worn something extremely odd in public? what?: My underwear outside my pants for a dare 12) do you wear much jewellery?: Gelly bracelets, gothic cross and sometimes earrings 13) how long do you, on average, spend on your appearance in the morning?: 5 minutes. Dressed, swipe on eyeliner (Venom green or black), mascara, out the door 14) has anyone ever called you vain?: No 15) do you wear makeup?: Venom Green or black eyeliner, mascara and Nene Thomas Lipgloss (Ya know, the cool fairies from Hot Topic?) Childhood 1) do you think you had a happy childhood?: No 2) what was your favourite kids tv show?: Sailor Moon, 2 Stupid Dogs, I R Weasle, Power Puff Girls, and Buffy The Vampire Slayer 3) what was your favourite toy?: Elmo ^^ 4) did you have barbie dolls/action men?: Yeah 5) did you go to a nursery or playgroup?: Yep 6) what was your first day at school like?: Shyness 7) who was your first best friend?: Nicole 8) did you enjoy school?: Does anyone? Future 1) what future career would you hope for?: Lawyer or Musician 2) how about a dream career?: Lawyer or Musician 3) do you plan to get married one day?: I do 4) have children?: 1-4 5) where would you like to live?: New York (*Has always wanted to go*), LA, or back to Vegas. 6) what age do you want to live to?: 105 7) what names would you give your children? Amaya, Iaka, Sosuke, and Kaname 8) how would you like to die?: Fighting 9) what do you think you'll be like as an old person?: Like my Bakka (Grandma) 10) will you still dress how you do now?: Yeah 11) would you ever get a cloud hairstyle?: ...No...Just No... 12) what do you want to achieve before you die?: Meet every SC person What would you do if...? 1) a stranger slapped you in the street?: Kick their asses. 2) your favourite top got ruined in the wash?: SKYE! ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!! Skye: O.O *Runs* 3) a leprechaun leapt out of your computer screen?: Smash it with the keyboard 4) you heard someone break into your house?: Use one of my many weapons 5) a friend told a secret of yours?: Shun them 6) a parent read your journal?: Freak out. 7) you won the lottery?: Probably die of heart failure cause I won the lottery 8) your computer blew up?: O.O AGAIN DONT JOKE LIKE THAT! 9) you found a fly in your soup at a posh restaurant?: Waiter...Theres a fly in my soup... I DEMAND A REFUND! 10) the world was going to end in 3 days?: Gather up all the important people (Friends, Family, etc) and fly to the moon! General 1) if you had to describe yourself in one word, what would it be?: Zen 2) do you consider yourself kind?: Not really... 3) would you cry if a pet died?: Of course 4) what do you do in a typical non-work day?: Annoy the hell out of my mom ^^ 5) what makes you feel sad?: Being lied to 6) what makes you happy?: SC, Friends, etc. 7) if you only had one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?: My moms computer. 8) what makes you angry?: People who think they're better than everyone else 9) do you get angry easily?: Yes 10) do you get sad easily?: Yes. 11) do you hate anyone?:Yes 12) do you love anyone?:Yes 13) are you in love with anyone?: Yes 14) how do you cheer yourself up if you're feeling down?: No 15) what one material thing could you not live without?: Computer w/ Internet 16) can people usually tell how you're feeling?: No 17) do you often share your feelings with people?: No 18) who would you be most likely to share them with?: Amanda, Kat, Garrett, Kayla, Michael (Damn you all and your talk-to-ev-ness) 19) does anyone you know of hate you? if so, why?: Monica A, Ariel, Brieanne, almost every prep and jock at school. 20) do you have any bad habits?: Lying, Anger issues (Do not piss me off on a bad day) 21) have you been diagnosed with depression?: Yeah 22) do you believe in the saying 'life is what you make it'?: Yes 23) do you trust people easily?: Oh yeah 24) do you think you are you trustworthy?: Yes 25) ever emotionally hurt a close friend or relative?: Yes but not on purpose V.v 26) do you consider youself sensitive?: No 27) what do you think of war?: It sucks. It took my cousin. 28) world peace?: All for it 29) the government?: FRIGGIN EVIL 30) same sex-marriage?: For it 31) abortion?: Depends 32) animal testing?: No 33) rape?: AGAINST 34) shoes?: All for 'em 35) this survey?: LONG! Firsts: 01. First best friend: Nicole 02. First house: Some house in Missoula Montana 03. First hair-dye color you put in your hair: Purple streaks. 11 years old 04. First drug you've done, when and where: Never 05. First real boyfriend: Nunya. 06. First screen name: DLMeru 07. First self-purchased album: Leann Rhymes (For my mom) 08. First funeral: Uncles 09. First pet: Baby the cat 10. First piercing's/tattoos: ears Lasts: 01. Last cigarette: never 02. Last piercing's/tattoos: Ears, when I was three 03. Last pet: Pierre the frog 04. Last car ride: school bus 05. Last good cry: Last night 06. Last movie seen: Saved (XD Fucking funny as hell) 07. Last beverage drank: Hot Cocoa 08. Last food consumed: Sandwhich 09. Last time showered: This morning 10. Last shoes worn: Converse 11. Last CD played: The Used: In Love and Death 12. Last item bought: Orange Juice from the school vending machines 13. Last annoyance: My headache 14. Last disappointment: Finding out I couldnt go with Amanda to the Lock In 15. Last shirt worn: Sugarcult: Palm Trees and Power Lines shirt 16. Last website visited: Shadow The Clan 17. Last word you said: ACK 18. Last song you sang: Take It away 19. Last phone number dialed: Amanda's 20. Last song heard: Take It Away Last person who: 01. Called you: Amanda 02. Slept in your bed: Me 03. Saw you cry: My mom 04. Yelled at you: Stepdad 05. Sent you an e-mail: Sam 06.You had sex with: No one 07. Said "i love you" and meant it: Thats a toughy Have you ever?: 01. Gone out in public in your pajamas?: Yep 02. Kept a secret from everyone?: Yes 03. Became addicted to any drugs?: No 04. Are you still addicted?: Never was 05. Tried comitting suicide, if so how?: Yeah 06. Cried during a movie: Yes 07. Planned your week based on the TV Guide: Yep. Summer vacation a few years ago when I had no friends 08. Watched Degrasi?: Yes (Its on THE N! *Is surprised Kat hasnt seen it* ITS CANADIAN TELEVISION KAT!) 09. Been on stage?: Yep 10. Been to California?: Yes 11. Been to Hawaii?: No 12. Wished you were the opposite sex?: Never. 13. Thought you were going to die?: Yes 14. Wanted to run away?: Yes Friendship & Love: 01. Believe in love at first sight?: Yes 02. Do you want childern one day, if so, how many?: Yes, 1-4 03. Most important thing to you in a friendship is?: Friendship period. 04. Been in love?: ...Yes 05. Ever thought about turning bi/gay/lesbian?: Um. Already there Other Information: 01. Criminal record: Got one 02. Last book you read: Pandora by Anne Rice 03. Worst feeling in the world: Suicidal 04. Who you love: Many people 05. Who you miss: Many people...again 06. Nickname(s): Katey, Squeaka, Chrono, Spanky 07. How old do you look?: 16 08. How old do you act?: Depends 09. How old are you?: 15 10. Are your parents together?: No 11. Are you happy?: Sometimes Finsh the sentence... 01. I love to: listen to music and play on the computer 02. I miss: the night 03. I wish: I had money 04. I'm annoyed: with my sister 05. I am: me 06. I want to be: Loved Do: 01. You think about suicide?: Yes 92. You have good hair?: Yeah 03. Others find you attractive?: Meh 04. Do you find yourself attractive?: No 05. You like cleaning?: Only when I'm bored 06. You like yourself?: Meh 07. You cut yourself?: Yes What is: 01. The time right now?: 5:38 PM 02. Something you really hate?: Homework. 03. Your eye color?: Blue-Green unless I have my purple contacts in 04. Your hair color?: Blondey brown (Naturally. Black it is dyed with purple streaks) 05. Your full name?: Katherine Kay Colton 1. Choose a band / artist and answer ONLY in titles of their songs: Green Day 2. Are you male or female: Rock and Roll Girlfriend 3. Describe yourself: Extraordinary Girl 4. How do some people feel about you: She's A Rebel 5. How do you feel about yourself: Nobody Likes You 6. Ex boyfriends/girlfriends: Boulevard Of Broken Dreams 7. Describe current boyfriend/girlfriend/crush: Jesus of Suburbia 8. Describe where you want to be: East 12th Street 9. Describe how you live: I Dont Care 10. Describe how you love: Are We The Waiting 12. Share a few words of Wisdom: Wake Me Up When September Ends 11. What would you ask for if you had just one wish: Give Me Novacaine 13. Share a favorite pickup line: Dearly Beloved 14. Now say goodbye: We're Coming Home Again
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*makes a list*
B) My name is mentioned like, FIFTY BILLION TIMES! WOO! *Feels loved*
C) HAHAHAH! Ph3ar me and my talktoevness!

Yeah, its way late -_-;; Can't you tell??
