
Listening to: hed pe-the meadow
Feeling: affectionate
Dainty- 1. Delicately beautiful or charming 2. Delicious choice Saturday night was amazing. It seems like Dwayne and I have been together for so long. We know what the other is thinking or about to say before we say it. Although it seems like a long time, it may also seem (to some) like a short time. We’ve been together almost everyday since we got back together officially. Even though it’s barely official because neither one of us asked the other out. Strange how things happen. Saturday was one of those nights where everything around us stopped and the only thing left was the two of us. It was one of those moments that you really feel like you’re bonding with the person. One of those moments when every kiss is amazing, and you can’t get enough. My bubbi is so precious to me. (1. of high cost of worth; valuable)(2. Highly cherished, 3. dear, beloved) I seriously feel that he was and is a blessing to me. Nothing in my life has ever gone right, until we met. I can’t wait to have his kids and tell them the story of how we met. When I walked through the halls and the cafeteria, Dwayne would give me these mean looks, and I always noticed him doing this. So I wondered what they were about. One day in the cafeteria I went to go talk to Nik and Dwayne was there, I was ‘selling my hemp necklaces’ and Dwayne wanted one. We were both major flirts from the beginning, and then we started to flirt. A lot. When I would ask him what the looks were for, he replied, “because I though you were the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” I think he exaggerated that a bit, mostly because he’s the master of exaggeration and also because I'm not the most beautiful girl. I try to show him how much I care for him, but he always shoots me down...And then he tries to blame it on me and say I shoot him down...if telling someone that they would be great at anything they tried to do, then by all means, I am sorry! I haven’t smoked for a month or more, and I only have the desire to when he brings it up. I’m trying to quit smoking ciggs, but every time he brings that up, it just makes me want to smoke more and more. I want to say to myself “don’t smoke! under any circumstances!” but it doesn’t work. I want to quit, I really do, but it’s not easy when someone is constantly nagging you...or when you’re in a house full of smoke. I always think of all the things Dwayne and I did/do and it makes me miss him terribly, sometimes I wish we could go back and relive the past (more than sometimes) but I know we can’t so I wish that the mistakes we’ve made could just be forgiven. It’s Wednesday morning, and our school has a 2-hour delay. Tonight Bubbi and I work (not together, sadly) but I can’t wait to look at him for 4 hours straight when he’s not looking! ;) And now he can see why I’m always beat by the time he shows up at 7, and why Ott and I are always like “is she taking ANOTHER break!?”
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yea i love her books 2!!! esp i was a teenage fairy. slinkster-cool
I love you. plain and simple. porney horney forney.