i can't believe....

when dwayne and i were on our cruise we watched a movie about the wonders, before that i've never heard of them but apparently they were really popular....this song makes me all giddy and happy!! (and it has a cool bass line) now that i can finally hear bass in a song, before i met dwayne all i heard was the guitar and drums, i don't even hear them now, it's all bass. I can't believe dwayne knew two years ago that we were going to be together for the rest of our lives....i was going through my shoebox of memories of him today and it is so sweet. The greatest feeling in the world is new love (in my opinion) like the not being able to wait to be with the person and hold them again and talk to them and just miss them all the time..it's like, you think you're going insane or something....but two years ago dwayne wrote things like "one day we will live in the same place, sleep together every night, have kids and be married." and that's exactly what happened...it probably happened sooner, ALOT sooner than he expected, but it happened..and i love him...of course dwaynie is still sweet, but just not as much, not nearly as much...i think living in different homes made it better in a way...you actually had time to miss the other....but now, i can only miss him when he's working...like today for example, i was looking through all our lovey stuff and he comes home in a bad mood because he's exhausted....that totally blew my happiness to see him away..even though i stood at the pool when he got in to cool off and i sat on the toliet seat to talk to him when he was in the shower...just cause i wanted to be near him, am i crazy? it's actually really fun to sit on the toliet and talk to the person in the shower (meaning, your lover) because it keeps them company and those talks are always the best...well not as good as the late night talks when you're trying to sleep but all you do is keep talking to one another....but then the morning comes and you didnt fall asleep until 2 hours after you intended too...wow, enough rambling.... why is angelina jolie so damn hot and perfect?
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wow, you were really insiteful that day
i love you wife.
see, i always told you i loved you, even back then