Monday Already?

Listening to: Lacuna Coil
Feeling: comfortable
I'm a senior who came to school on time! yay for me! there are 4 others in the library with me...and many more in 243. We all have to report to the auditorium at 10:10. I am glad that i came to school though. I try to not have any homework on the weekends so that i can dedicate every friday night and saturday moment to dwayne, as he does to me. I am a very dedicated person. So since i didn't do my homework this weekend today gave me the perfect opportunity to do so. I read the pardoners tale from the canterbury tales and did my essay. I wanted to do my history essay too, but i'm on here instead. That can wait though, it's due wednesday. No work tonight, no work tomorrow night. Plus! today is such a waste. At 10:30 we're dismissed from the auditorium and we go on with our day from 4th period....i have lunch...then following that, i have 2 study halls in a row. ....Plenty of time to do my essay! Today is cake....boring cake....but very accomplished. I'm going to ditch my shit in my locker when i leave here and read until we're dismissed from the cafeteria. Have a great day, hopefully it's not as dull and repetitive as mine will be.
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hey sweety i hope your having a good day. i love you. bye bye
tonyaaaa!! it seems like it been awhile since I've seen or talked to you!! so im leaving you a lovely comment, you roooccckkk!!