mediocre people do exceptional things all the time

Listening to: ok go
hey look at the date!!! Another month with the dwayne. Yes, yes my title...mediocre people do exceptional things all the time...there are exceptional things i've done and more that i want to is my commercial! I NEED to shot the footage like NOW so i can ask mr flowers if i can work on it before the end of school.....and i NEED dwayne to help me cuz he needs to drive while i'd be cool to do the one part today because i need nice's supposed to rain this week so i can do the other part this week tooo......I really need you to help me dwayne and i really want to do'll be my best project ever....i really think i made a bad decisions last year...i should have taken tv production II instead of picking peer would have been so much more better.
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sure, i'll do it. p.s. i love you.
That's from a song by "O.k. Go."
Good choice