School Sucks.

Well tomorrow I go back to school. Well atleast I get to see someone special. I had so much fun taking my love ice skating. Shes not bad either. Cant wait to be with her again. Dont care what other people think really. Unless their close to me. Hmm Im kinda rambling on... But thats ok. I got good gift for christmas. Cant wait to buy my dream Paintball gun Either. Ill go to sleep with it. It will be grand. Hmm Iv also noticed that my muscle mass is going up rapidly haha. But I wont get to much into that. Im Ripped haha. So im tired of most of the lame movies being showed in the theathers. I think ill make my own. They will be classics. Well I did like some. But wont waste my time on others. Well I just took up like 2 minutes of time. So ill end it now. STFU
Read 7 comments
i got back to school tomorrow too. ewwwwwwww

also, we arent crazy bastards...per say. haha we just photograph our fun. we have lots of fun.


you never comment me anymore :( and i want my guitar stand bud!
wow...i love your background...haha
i love you!
burn me that cd!!!! bye!
yeah well you suck at spelling so there. its MANCALA. not how ever you spelled it jaheeze,.. i feel so unloved aaron, you never talk to me on here anymore! FINE BE THAT WAY. I STILL WANT MY STAND THOUGH. unreliable brat.
lol thats ok when you remember tell me, i love to laugh.
im glad you found someone special im so jealous, i want one too.