
Well I dont really have much to say anymore. Most of my good news I tell in person or what not. But this entry is pretty much for the comment benefits. So remember. My comment box gets lonely also. So feed it with either your mean cruel hearted comments or your loving cant wait to write you back comments. Either way ill get back to you. And by the way. You may not like the first Option. It will hurt you in the end.
Read 22 comments
hahaah I was hoping you wouldnt notice! i was trying to think of a comeback ..damnit!! tell me i havent lost that one yet?
lol your welcome :P and thank you lol. :D
Haha juuust kidding. I figured if I said something like that, you'd comment me back.

I'm psycho, remember?

Much love, Pennie<3
Okay, ignore me.
You're the father of my unborn child.

Pennie. <3
yeah? wull I thought we wazz boizz ..even tho I am a girl child.. but our commradery surpassed all lines of gender..but apparently some invisible hour glass of sorts has run its sand through one end.. and so ends your capacity for understanding.


that said..uhh Yer Name Starts With The Same Letter Twice.. Why Twice I Think We Got It The First Time.. Oh SHOOT!
Haha... I feel like I do know you ;)
Lol just kidding. Woah, that sounded REALLY stalkerish.
Sorry! :D

So where do ya live?
kick ass diary... nuff said... lol
(love the song as well)
yo aaron i have a task for u to do for me, no is not an option
well you should make it mean something. then patent it.. if you can patent words.
so why such negativity in your journal? lol you need like some pink and orange haha
*Hollas back*
You, you will go unnoticed.

No LL because it wasnt my work, but that of a collegue.


Oh, and shut the fuck up yourself.
I love that song.. Who sings it? ^^
u know the ususal, infeild slaying and pushing the socialist movement
yeah ok
It's just that,
I love you.
So much.

Heh. :D
Comment me back, biatch!

Love always,
The pic is of Jesse McCartney.
Hope you have a lovel day :D
I'm oh so sorry! You never comment me anymore or anything, so I didn't know we were still friends. Haha I'll get ya back on here.

Sorry sweetheart,
that's just great
thank you that makes me feel very special. but telling me to STFU after saying you're gunna STFU defies the purpose of you STFU-ing.. but i forgive you cuz im that nice.
and what it STFUism?


awesome diary love the header pic.
fine dont tell me! :(
and yeah why would i take you off?
should i dance cuz im still on urs?
oh what the hell.. ::victory dance::

btw.. NO! U STFU!
