
Yea so I went to see the doctor and he said something got screwd up and i ever had mono to begin with. I was just really sick. Yea i thought it was funny how i could do all the same stuff as everyone else. And didnt really have the symptoms of mono. Fucking doctor.
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ha ha ha...well at least you don't have mono! So did you just have a really bad cold or something? Nice update by the way. lol
Jesus I am so happy tomorrow's Friday. So how are you doing now that you don't have mono? Still feeling shitty?
Yea I was so happy last night that today is Friday...then my mom asked me to stay home because some guys are coming to fix our washer. Awesome. lol Yeah My throat feels like shit anyway, so I guess it works out.
well then
so much for seeming like a bad ass.
Life is moking me right now. I thought my relationship was great. My boyfriend is being a gay ass. And my "best friend" keeps hanging out with him and calling him and she talks about him ALL the damn time. She also keeps forcing me to tell him we need a break. Sound fishy to you? lol Fuck.
What can I say? :P I'm captian saracastic.
Fucking doctors is right. Fucking mono. You;d be cooler if you had mono.
haha. amazing. you're now on my friends list. But that doesnt mean we have to be friends. We could hate eachother.
Wanna go?

yay. hmm. myspace...what the eff? Obviously not cuz i havent even HEARD of it. Unless its that crazy thing on msn that u put pictures on. In that case, Id have it, but I know nothing about it. guess im not as cool as i thought. haha
yeah well definately considering a break (up) soon. lol I have been talking to this boy online...lol. Uh-oh, I smell trouble.
thats really fucking weird..
my entry is about mono too
but i never read yours!!
ha ha insane!
not really..
eh nevermind
my fucking doctor said i had mono when i has pneumonia and then a year later when i ACTUALLY had mono, he said i had strep.

fucking doctor is right.