
Yea so, if your curious to what I look like, here ya go. Enjoy bitches. Image hosting by Photobucket The pic kinda shrunk some, but it will do.
Read 12 comments
hey nothing really just life...and im so scared about going to high school...you?
btw, cool picture
cool. you look awsome.
looka you! aint you a PEACHHH!!.. why so emo..hmms?
You look like someone who would tell me to stfu.
WELL THEN! Excuse me, I wasn't reffering to comeback kid or anything just your classicly classic myspace emo shot. so sorry, never again, i promise.
see that?! I know you so well! too bad you won't show all the girlies your face....
Actually my friend wants me to play rythym guitar in his band... but so far it's just a band on paper and we haven't jammed yet. I'm really not good. haha.

you should have smiled all happy for the camera.
you look kinda hott why the need to be emo?