
Its offical this ol boy here is signed up with the Delayed Entry Program for the Marines. My ship off date to bootcamp is 20060705 wihch is translated to July 5th of 2006!
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uhhmm add me back yto your list, ASSFACE!

and're going off to the marines??? But I what about our babies???
you didn't even insult me back.. this feels awkward.

and also, everyones friends got deleted , but if you go to preferences at the top they have a button you can click on to add all of your old friends back! exciting, no? do it do it!
you're welcome, sort of.
Aww. Thanks. But I'm not that hot. I look like a kid.

But I'm sad that you are going to die. :'( NOOOOOO!!!

:'( How will I ever live?!
I aint neva to weak to fight! what you thought i wasn't gonna come back and fuck you the fuck up? because I sure as SHOOT aint afraida no marine-to-be.
Umm... I'm not that emo. And I'm holding my 2 chicks in the picture. :D

They are so cute! But my mom sent them off to the farm to be tortured for eggs and then slaughtered for their meat. While I was a vegeratian. Slick move, mom...


Being in the Marines is so sad. Please be careful. And don't sign up for shit to be a tough guy because that can get you dead.

Great words of encouragement, I know.

♥ Sarah
Aww! That's so sweet! :]

Well I really hope you do come home in one piece. You better! :P

♥ Sarah
Haha... NOOO! I don't want a myspace! I am already hooked on SitDiary cuz everyone is so nice to me. Well... Most people...

I don't want to be stuck on the computer more! But let me tell you the coolest thing you can get on the computer- AIM! I just got it last week and it's the weirdest thing ever! But it's fun. Plus, they have cool smiley faces. :D
Hey, I have AIM too. You should add me as your friend! My name thing is sarahzesuperstar. I love that thing. It's so cool. I just got it and I'm so hooked. But I don't have a myspace because I'm not a slut, like almost every other girl on there.
Well, chit chatting was fun. I will try to get on tomorrow. I won't get home til late though. Bye for now.