Shawnie is sick. Which she shouldn't be. Get better already! Yeah so yesterday was...O.K. It wasn't one of the best days, and it being cloudy didn't make it any better. Well Casey,Hetty,Alesha,Hannah,Rhys,Luke and Jesse are part of the skanky/dicky group. It's really sad. So Liz,Olivia,Colleen,Kadeshia,Charlotte,Sarah,Cody, this new dude in Mr.Paterson's class and I were all in a group. It was pretty fun. We were all out in this huge gang (with some other people) and we were just milling about and stuff it was really fun. Then Charlotte couldn't breathe and we were all over by her side in an instant, and Liz was like, "Ok, get on my back I'm gonna carry you to the office," and Charlotte said, "No," and Liz said, "I'm not gonna let you die out here, Mum will kill me." It was really funny. You had to be there. Anyhow, when the skanky/dicky group started to walk towards us we decided we wouldn't look or talk to them. We would just carry on with whatever we were talking about. Well I've got to go. It's almost time for school. Bye! Shawnie GET BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!
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I'm just about all better and will rbably be at school on moday a ?
but oh well ,well yea I'm bored and might go and make an entry now
are you glad I made an entry
plz make an entry later *begging*!
I'm gonna go have some breakie so I can have some of my "take iwth food medicine"
man I Hate c & h ,h & c (yea anyway I could do that forever but I also hate the reast of the "cool group " (skank/dick group (like totaly !)
shawnie x