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Mmmmm, this fudge is magnafique. Dark chocolate chips melted with creamy,white marshmellows...mmmmm... Anyway. I am officially in training. Starting tomorrow. Everyday this week I will stay right behind Laura R. while running and stretch when I get home. I should be super fit in no time...maybe I'll lose my baby fat...And no I do not mean by the end of the week. But I doubt it will happen for a while. I'll propose to Stephanie that we take daily runs since she adores running and I am, as I said, in training. I love this picture: Image hosted by Photobucket.com It's of Stephanie and I. I'm the big fat baby on the left. She's the fun, cute one running towards me with her arms outstretched. Is she not a doll? Well, more school tomorrow. I'm sooo happy to see Katelyn and soooo freaked out because I didnt get her a christmas gift...NO! I have to get mum to take me shopping again before we leave. Luff//Chelly P.S. More on my twisted, dramatic (cough) life after these messeges.
Read 3 comments
lol. training.
i tried doing that.
but i got lazy after a while.

i love that piture of youu an stephanie.
it's sooo cute.
i bet youu guys are like the bestest of friends.
like this.
*crosses fingers and holds them up to show youu what i mean*

hehe, i'm freaking out about forgetting to buy a few christmas presents, too.


i miss youu.
happyy [late] new years.

buy some sheeeet.
it's cute and it's cheappp.
♥ ♥ ♥