Feeling: dancy
Go Moulin Rouge soundtrack...^^ Anyhow, my week has been fantidlyastic. Basically. The only bad thing : Shawnie's been sick and hasnt been for a full week. Did I tell you about Nick's party? Or going to the movies with Liz and Charlotte? Well. I'll start with the movies with Liz and Charlotte. Shawnie caught the bus home with me and we stopped by my house, then we went to Liz and Charlotte's, and hung out there for about an hour or so, and then Shawnie's mum came and picked me and Shawnie up and dropped me off home, and Shawnie asked if I wanted to stay the night there so I did, and then I went to horseback, and then I came back and we went to the movies and guess who we saw. Rhys and Dylan. Dylans ok, but I hate Rhys. I was the only one that actually knew what was happening in the movie. Shawnie was like, "It didnt really have a plot." Lol! I was like, "Yes it did!" Lol it was funny. Oh, we saw Elektra. It was a kewl-as movie. Then we both stayed the night at Liz and Charlotte's and watched The Village, The Craft, and some of Murders by Numbers. We actually never finished it. In the morning we watched more of it but in the middle we watched Dodgeball in stead. The next week, I had horseback riding after school and then I went and stayed the night at Shawnie's and in the morning we went to Nick's party, which was FUN AS! We waited for more people to come, and then we swam. Then we watched You Got Served...it was kind of sad. After the boy got shot and they found out he was killed, I went out and swam with Shawnie and Nicole. We ate, swam, ate swam, and I got pushed in and scraped my leg and got a bruise, no thanks to Nicole's boyfriend...stupid Daniel. Lol. It was fun, and then mum came and picked me up, and Sunday I went to church.
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NIFTY GURL c u @ skewl !!!
you didnt meantion OSCAR but better ot just in case uou show it your bf