I'm sorry for not writing in entry in two weeks or so. I've been rather busy. We got a DVD player and I got new shoes! Tonight is Halloween, and I don't get to go trick or treating. )= Not faiiir! Ah well. Whatcha gonna do. Today we went to the beach, and we were all digging in the sand to see if we could get to the water down under the ground. Everyone got it before me because they were all farther down the beach than me. Then we went and got ice creams and I got a chocolate dip, which is vanilla ice cream dipped in chocolate. Nummy! After we dropped Caleb off, we went and I got my aweshome new shoes and we got our new DVD player. And yeah so I've got nothing really to talk about. I suppose I'll go again. G'morning. ~_0
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Oh... I'll whisper...