Been Busy

Listening to: Lillix
Feeling: busy
Well I haven't updated for a while now. I have been very busy lately with everything. I missed three days of school in a row, talk about homework. So I haven't updated during class time I went from an A to an F in three days. Then I had church like all day after school and the musical auditions. Yesterday I had auditions for the musical again. I have no clue what part I am going to get but I really don't care. Well I am bust today also but I decided to update anyways. I have a Magic the Gathering tourney tonight, and then I am going to Passion of the Christ again. So busy again tonight. Well gotta run SeE~yAh 4 now! ~John~
Read 7 comments
oh i know i went to sleep last night at 12:00am. My dumn ass was talking in the phone...*yawm*
grrr i wanna see that movie
i'm thinkin i will this weekend.. but i dunno *sigh*
miss ya babes, take care
havent heard from you in a while.... have fun tonite though
miss you..hope everything is goin well..loves!!
Jeesh. Busy, busy! Life is better when it is
filled with all kinds of plans and activities.
YOu get to bored any other way. Least I do anyways..
Later John.

you're gonna see The Passion of the Christ again? I couldn't see it more that's too depressing, awesome movie indeed, but ugh his pain!
sounds like you have been busy, the only time i get to update now is never. haha only today cause im at home sick.