Another Try

Listening to: Emerson Drive
Feeling: lucky
Well Sarah stayed up this weekend and well we are dating now! I'm happy but then again I have this feeling that I might not able to stay true like I used to be able to? It's kinda scary. But we'll just have to see! Later Dayz!
Read 4 comments
shame on you for giving in john. tisk tisk.
What makes you think you might not be able to stay true? It'll be harder to, if you don't have any faith in your ability. The more you tell yourself you won't, the more likely it'll come true. Keep the faith, man!
By the way, that icon rocks. How sad to be a penis... *sigh* You know there's a website called pen island.... And all the people that work there, their email adress is
Now THAT'S depressing.
awesome icon =)!!!