wheels on the bus..

So yesterday.. was a bad day. I told my bestfriend..that I want to switch schools..to the one in town.. and she got mad at me. But I won't see her next semester. We have nothing together. And one quick glance isn't going to do anything. I hate it at my school.. I hate the people.. EVERYTHING! She tryed to tell me I didn't.. but I effing do. People are so rude there.. and just because she has all these friends, doesn't mean I do. KILL ME PLEASE! ugh.. We live in the same god damn town.. for eff sakes.. and shes trying to tell me we won't hang out? what the eff. YOU NEVER CALL ME. YOU ALWAYS MAKE PLANS WITH OTHER PEOPLE.. AND OF COURSE IF THEY CAN'T DO ANYTHING.. THEN JAMI GETS CALLED. YIPPEEEEE! Why should I put up with that shit? I thought it was pretty selfish of her to get mad? when I'm sitting here.. holding back my tears.. and shes bitching at me because of what she wants, and she doesn't care about what I want? for myself. Thanks for being my friend. Then Mike.. oh yes Mike.. he starts being and assholes.. embarresing me infront of Michelle.. I felt like pucking. I was so pissed off. " I'm not going to talk to you until you're in a better mood " OH BIG FUCKING LOSS THERE CUNT SCAB! Jay is the only one backing me up right now.. and I don't even know if shes just trying to be nice.. cause she knows I'm really effing upset. Oh..and boy. ya stupid fucking idiot that I like... fucking lies to me. so I'm going to either confront him.. or make him jealous, so he can get a little fucking taste of what hes doing to me. Wow..I feel like a really big bitch. I wouldn't do this normally.. but fuck...I'm sick and tired of him lying to me and thinking I'm not going to find out. What a cunt... Good day.
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I believe that you should do what you think is the best thing for you... even if that is changing schools, dont get too worked up about your friends because a real friend would support you in your decision not try to force you into what they want... sorry that I am butting in, but I really understand what you are going through right now.