;Chapter 2

They arrived at school about five minutes before the bell sounded. All three walked side by side up to the front door. They walked to the jam packed office and received their scedules. To their surprise they all had science together which was second period. After they said good-bye to each other they each walked their separate ways to theur first period class. Aries had music, Jesse had math and Kelsey had Gym. Kelsey loved gym, just the feeling of her running shoes on her feet got her excited. Having gym first period made it even better. She walked in the change room and pulled off her jeans, got her shorts out of her back pack and quickly slid them on. She looked around the locker room for an open locker and she saw one. The same locker her and Aries had shared the year before. They would leave notes for each other and wrote on the inside of it. She opened the small locker and smiled to herself has she noticed the scribbles in Sharpie marker. I borrowed your running shoes because i forgot mine sorry Kelsey didn't realize she was laughing out loud until she saw three girls giving her a dirty look. She quickly shoved her stuff in the locker and run into the gym. As much as he wanted to skip the class, Jesse knew he had to go. He slowly walked through the doorway of his math class. Grade nine math again, because he failed it horribly the year before. "Mr. Bailey we meet again." said his last year math teacher Mr. Beach from behind him. Jesse hated him with a passion. Once he got so mad he stormed out of the classroom. He took a seat in the back row and pressed his head against the wall. As the rest of the grade nines piled in, Jesse noticed almost every girl looked at him. He kind of liked it. Although he didn't have a girlfriend, he didn't want to get involved with a grade nine, especially because he liked someone else. Aries almost ran to her music class because she was so eager to get in. Music was her favourite class. It always had been. Her smile was from ear to ear and she dropped her bag and sat softly on the wooden bench sitting before the piano. She lifted her wrists and started playing the notes to My Immortal. She whispered the lyrics to herself as the rest of her class piled in. Everyone looked at Aries as she played. She didn't care, she didn't stop until Mr. Nicol called the classes attention. There was only ten kids in her music class. That was how she liked it. Although everyone knew her, she didn't know anyone personally. She took her ahnds off the keys and pulled her hair back into a ponytail, showing off her completely peirced ears. There was close to 20 peircings in total divided on both her ears. She did them most herself beacuse pain didn't affect her and because it was a lot cheaper that way. Aries looked around the class as Mr. Nicol explaine dthe rules in which she had already memorized the year before. She was off in her own little world of whirling music notes and possible lines for the song she was currently working on. "I lie awake and hold my breath as i await my painful death" She thought to herself.
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:D Keep on writeing, i love it :P

Skitso :P