Silver and Cold

Listening to: The Used
oops...I was trying to write an entry and I accidentally hit the wrong button and it there's nothing on Oh well! Yeah, so yesterday ago I was sitting there at this church activity thing, and I randomly realized that I wanna be a teenager forever! I mean, will suck to be old! You grow up, you have to pay for things and live on your own and support yourself, then you start to date and get married..then you have kids and then everything goes downhill from destroy your body and And as a teenager, you can just always goof off with your friends and's just so fun!! But I wanna be sixteen first...then I can drive. And date..but I'd actually rather drive than date. But ya know. I still can't beleive I accidentally saved it. Oh...I just thought of something. I should have just hit refresh..then it wouldnt' have saved..hello! NOW I think of it...I'm so dumb...
Read 13 comments
To add pictures you need to use this in ur entry and in between the " and " u need to put in the url of the picture you want to use. if you don't get this just drop me another line. *kissies*
well...i'll admit. being 15 sucked. if i had to choose an age to just stay at for the rest of my life. i'd turn 25. because i'd still be young. but more mature than a teenager.
dude!!! i think about that all the time and i hate it becuase i like life now. i dno't wnat to get old and saggy and fat!!! ahhh, the demon fat!

and i love kids, know
hey ! yeah i do, whuts up? havent talked in a long time. peace
Ok what i meant was that between the quote marks (" and ") in the code put the url of the picture. if u still don't get it im me at AvaAdore09 ok?
I agree completely....although I wouldn't mind being in my 20's I want to get married, Im sick of HighSchool, and I want to actually mature the rest of the way....Seriously though Its not bad being a teenager, we can be stupid and all we would get is a scolding. lol
All I can say is be happy with what you have at the time you have it!
of course they r awesome... i mean... who wouldnt wanna be a bird who gets to slide on ice all day... lol well um kool journal! and i agreee! i mean the thought of being old.. is just.. BLAH! lallalala well ttyl!
yup cats r awesome and.. and they r awesome! lol meow meow meow meow meow
Skanking is just skanking, it doesn't matter how good you're at it, as long as you feel the music and have fun doing it than you're a skanker (lol).
lol- your diary is awesome.
hillarious quote at the top of your page.
And I agree- I say I turn 16 and stop aging at 17 (of course I'll keep my friends w/ me lol).
comments are fun lol.
Are you in swimming?
SB rocks!^-^
lol, ok its april the 3rd!!!! MAKE A NEW ENTRY ALREADY!!!! y must u keep everyone waiting! geesh! lol ttyl
lol- i have to put your quote about the breast stroke on my diary- its just too true!