
Listening to: people typing....
Feeling: cuddly
Yesterday was fun. So, Me and my friend Dannielle went out to Golden Corral with her mom because her mom had a meeting there. So we were sitting there, eating tons of food (which was very good). Yeah, then we were really really full after eating like three plates full of food, and they were giving away balloons. so we asked if we could have one. So, obviously, we decide to suck the helium out of them. hee hee. So we did, and we were like "weeeee....yayyyy" It was really funny. Maybe you'd just have to be there and hear it and all. 'Cuz it sounded way funny. We were laughing. And there was these little kids that were sitting by us looking at us weird, asking their parents what we were doing. lol. Anyways, then after all the helium was gone, we had to entertain ourselves some other way. So we stuck the Green balloon inside the pink one. Then we blew up the green one so the pink one was being blown up too. And then we tied the green one and blew up the pink one more so it was bigger than the green one that was inside. It was great. Except, somehow they got really stuck together on the inside and it was like...crackling then they both popped. lol. Fun fun.
Read 13 comments
i love you
lol sounds like lots of fun... lol... its also fun to blow up mini balloons and stick them to your head and make faces and the cars that are going by... :) lol... check out my journal sometime...
i wonder if helium really does kill brain cells...haha then i wonder how much more stupid i am if thats true
Oh, sucking helium is the best.
I suppose standing with a loose crotch basically means being carefree and easy-going, versus standing with a tight crotch, uptight and paranoid.
At least, that's what I think.
lol good ol helium those were the days......then i was introduced to air duster.....basterd bad infulence (u know who u r) lol...but that shit is bad for u wayyy wayy bad for u its terrible its funny as hell though it makes u sound like the devil its great...dont ever do it though that shit fucks u up.....bad......peace
i was going to call you, but then i got grounded from the phone. so ya know...

anyways, what did you do all weekend?
Yes, fetish is a cool word.

There are tons of cool words out there.

good for you nicole, im proud of you for being such a smart little girl and figuring out who i was. or was it after teresa told you? whichever works. and i just made it cuz i want suisse to try me. i wanna kick his ass. if it isnt appearant. it would feel so nice, just because he actually thought him and "the barrett" would try to do something to me. i would waste him, and he knows it. alright, bye.
ya well i am differnt muahahahha yes and evil......pure.....pure...EVIL yes..peace
hi nicole this is aaron hehe fun fun i found u wish i could figure out how to make ona these things
this is aaron again i figggured it out