Servey..question thingy

Listening to: AFI (it's in my head)
Feeling: bored
I'm bored and I saw this on Ber's diary so I decided to do it! But i'm SO EXCITED FOR THE SHOW TONIGHT!! YAY!!!!!!! (see my entry called yaaaayyy) I N F O R M A T I O N name: ME! single or taken: the moment. sex: right here right now?? hee hee..jk birthday: in like a month!! yay! sign: I hate that question siblings: 2 brothers, 2 sisters hair color: brown eye color: blue height: 5'2"..and a half....sad I know.... weight: woo hoo! Screen name: eh? P R E F E R E N C E S Cuddle or make out: They're both fun..depends on my mood. chocolate milk or hot chocolate: both milk/dark/white chocolate: mmm milk chocolate vanilla/Chocolate: chocolate F A S H I O N S T U F F where is your favorite place to shop: hmm..dont' know bout that one. any tattoos or piercings: piercings in my ears....i want a tattoo!! S P E C I F I C S do you do drugs?: nope what kind of shampoo do you use?: This..biolage stuff..I don't even know how to spell it...but my hair is soft right now! what are you most scared of?: Bugs, spiders, and being alone my whole life, people I love dying, cancer...stuff like that. what are you listening to right now? Nothing..I'm in class and I just hear people typing and talking. who is the last person that called you?: I think it was Chelsea or Suisse...I forget where do you want to get married?: IF I get married....hmmm...I don't know actually. How many buddies are online right now?: i don't know... F A V O R I T E S color: black and blue food: MACARONI AND CHEESE! I know it's sad..but I love that stuff! boys names: for what girls names: huh?! subjects in school: Ceramics, P.E.(it's fun) season: spring H A V E Y O U E V E R given anyone a bath?: nope smoked?: never bungee jumped?: no but i wanna do that! made yourself throw up?: nope skinny dipped?: no ever been in love?: I know i've at least been close..but that's all I'll say... made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: probably.... pictured your crush naked?: nope actually seen your crush naked?: nope cried when someone died?: yeah lied: hasnt everybody? fallen for your friend?: Maybe...I dont' remember... been rejected?: yeah... rejected someone?: yup used someone?: nope...I don't think so anyway.... done something you regret?: tons of things C U R R E N T clothes: My cool gumbi shirt, jeans and flip flops! music: loud make-up: Just some black eyeliner and mascara. annoyance: school smell: My hair...sweet pea! and a little bit of axe mixed in desktop picture: Just a blue screen book you're reading: some huge like..950 page thing L A S T P E R S O N you touched: Ber...I touched her shoulder because she's sitting by me hugged: Suisse
Read 3 comments
Your 5"2 and a half? I am too. That's cool. I like your survey thing it's pretty nifty. Just felt like being random and leaving a comment.
I love your entry today. It lets everyone know just a little bit about yourself! cute! crazyforboys07
yes boys certainly can suck. its alright though. most of my friends are guys and i love them to death
that was beth. forgot to log in
