
I still need to study some more. I was studying for a little over an hour or so today. But then I got bored of it...again. I do that very easily. I get bored of studying. But I do need to go over those questions so I don't fail the test they give us on it. But I'm not sure if we're taking the state test tomorrow or Tuesday... Watermelon is really good. I like watermelon.I'm really not a very interesting person. Like how there's these people that think about a bunch of stuff and it's actually interesing and cool to think about and don't nkow if that describes it....but I"m just not one of those people. And I don't think I'm a very emotional person either. Like...stuff effects me, but I guess just the way I see it is I can't really just dwell on it and be depressed and stuff or else it won't get any better or go away or leave room for something better or something. That doesn't really describe that either. But how these people are always saying that there is something like so bad that they want to kill themselves or they can't get over it...I guess I'm just the kind of person that beleives you can. Because (and I know this sounds dumb), I've been told my whole life that God doesn't give you more than you can I know I can handle everything....somehow. It might take time and it might be hard...but yeah. And I could never kill myself. No matter what. I don't know why....i've just never had it in me to purposely take my own life. I've thought about it before....but then i'm just so yeah. But that was like...a couple years ago when I used to think about it more. And then I started thinking about the whole thing where you just get through stuff. And I've realized that I do have a good life. I know I have stress and problems and all that kinda stuff...but it could be worse. Ya know what I mean? I could be an orphan and living on the streets, I could have been abused or raped as a child or now, I could have cancer or some other life-threating thing, I could have no money and be starving and have no clothes....or I could have more than one of those could just be so much worse for me than it is right now. That's why it bugs me so bad when people say they "just dont' care anymore"....I just think "oh my gosh! suck it up and deal with it! we all have to! It could be worse!". So ya know. I don't know why I just thought of this. But I don't think I like it very much when guys make little horny comments and like...suggestion type things. I don't know if thats' what you call them. I think it's funny and ok if it's just every once in a while, but if it's all the time over everything...then it bugs me. And if they just kinda laugh about it so I know they're joking...that's ok. Taylor used to do that all the time....and it bugged the crap out of me...everything I did....he would make some horny little thing about it. Like even if it's just "wow that turned me on" It's like....ok....congradulations to me....ya know what I mean? But he did stuff like that all the time. I think it's the way he said it.... I think it's all good and grand when guys give you complements and stuff...they can tell you you're sexy if they want...but if they say it too much and/or in the wrong context too much you're just like "ok you're too horny...get away from me". If that makes sense..... yeah.
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hey. Thnx for the comment. I liked your entry alot. There are very few kids out there anymore who have the foresight to just think , I can get through this and be strong, too many ppl are caught up in the whole "lets feel sorry for oursleves" thing. You say your not affected by things alot and actually thats a gift at times. We are alot alike, I like you lady...
Its interesting... Im not a suicidal freak or anything... but somethings I would think wouldnt be worth living with afterwards... dont get me wrong, but I see no reason to spend life in prison, or I wouldnt want to deal with the pain of accidently killing a friend or a family member... but we all know me, I take the easy way out at times... Dont worry, I am not suicidal!!! Anyways... I love you, and I hope that I didnt scare you with what i said
brandin did taht every once in a while too and it would bug me.

they just keep hinting that they want to make out and it's not like you're stupid. you nkwo what they're saying, but do they stop? nooooooo

oh hi how are ya-ya your really wierd look at my new pic on my diary yaaaa