The show!

Feeling: eh
The show last night was ok. I had fun. I liked a few of the bands. Go them. But ya know. Oh well. But overall, I had fun. I bought myself the Sims Hot date!! woo hoo! I still need to install it though. But I got paid, and I bought myself the sims, some new work pants, a bra, and a beach towel thing and went to the show and I still have like $80 left! I was like...sweet! lol. Today in church there was a really cute baby in front of kinda looked like an elf but it was cute. I don't know why I don't want children. I just don't...they're so...small...and helpless...and....childish and small. lol. And I was thinking.....I don't know why I think in church so much....getting married is scary! Like, what if your family doesn't like them or their family doesn't like you? What if you just have all these problems and disagreements over things? Could you stop loving them after living with them all those years? There's all these old people that say they love their wife/husband even more now and they've been through so much together and blah blah blah. But what if that doesn't happen to me? What if I marry the wrong person? And screw up my whole life?! makes ya think
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yeha, i've thought about that before. it is scary...

the pic on my diary is a guy playing the guitar (if that's what you meant)

I think your funny, ya know the whole elf thing..yeah anyways..I'm kinda scared to get married..but think...once you are, you are ALWAYS gonna have a make-out's funny, anyways, I don't want to have kids, they grow up and are I understand what you are saying about that...oh yeah and about not loving them after all those years...when you get married you will be so helplessy in love that the litttle things won't matter
yes and you wonder how long is long enough to wait after dating and engagement to marriage. and you wonder if it's love or lust and the 60% divorce rate is truly daunting.

Because I couldn't go. I cried because I truly truly wanted to go.
you should write'm bored and I wanted to read something..but there was nothing should write
I think that once you find a person you truely love, and are happy with, the little things wont matter... I have heard once that if two temple worthy people get married, they can always last the eternities together, I like that quote... I dont know who said it though... bye my niki
all that matters is between you and the one you are what if his family doesn't like you or vice-versa.....if the feeling you have for each other is strong and real....that's all you'll ever need...
who is 'snowboarder69'? is it brandon?
i thought this was extreamly wierd...

go to lilman's diary, then go to taylors.

they're almost the exact same!!! wierd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the only differce (besides the writing) is that when you click on something in taylors it's pink and in pauls (lilman) it's purple or something.

i thought it was kinda creepy...
i think dan is upsessed with you when you would leave him at the show he would get this wierd look and stare at you following everywere you went with his eyes it scared me im kinda worried about you
of course you were going to make a list of things to do before you die! Because I made one and we're psychic. yay for us!