Senioritis with a capital L

Feeling: unsatisfied
My nose is all congested. I hate when I am sick, I feel all out of this world and keep getting asked if I have been drinking or hung over the answer is NO! I don't do that. At my school they are having this thing called hall sweeps it's so retarded and you an tell all the teachers are loving it. If you are late to class the dreaded teachers come down the hall way--yes some with brooms in tow--and "sweep" the kids into the auditorium for a great big ho down lecture or something. I think they got the idea from a channel one school, but they were charging $% for their tardies. Our school really isn't that bad with tardies more with passes and the teachers. It's ridiculos that they do this. At least this is my last year. What are they going to do next make us stay in the class room and move all the teachers around--good luck with that. Maybe they will have the teachers escort us to the cafeteria for lunch. UGH. Oh well maybe if I keep saying 5 more weeks, just 5 more weeks, it will make it better. I don't think it will but I will keep trying.
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