
So apparently I need to update more with juicy stuff.... I was supposed to go to Purdue yesterday with who else..the guy! So I was all excited about that...well his parents took his car! So no going to Purdue. That would be an hour there and then an hour back and then of course the time we would spend there! It would have been awesome. Oh can't be perfect. I just want to go back to school, there are so many guys there! I mean I have 5 right now that I can tell like me or atleast I know want my body. And thats not including the boy... I want the boy and he is always on my mind now...I know he is bad for me! UGH
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ha ha i'm so done with having fun. i want to have a boring uneventful life free of drama and heartbreak...yeah, that will never happen.
and don't u just hate how the ones u want are always the ones that are bad for u!