
[x] Spell your first name backwards: elbalortnocnu [x] Are you a lesbian/queer ? never [ x ] Where do you live ? Indiana [ x ] 5 words that sum you up? Cute, sweet, fun, loving, nerdy DESCRIBE YOUR [ x ] Wallet ? brown with pictures that make me happy in it [ x ] Hairbrush ? hmm black all black [ x ] Toothbrush ? what toothbrush?--nah I'm jk--green and black [ x ] Jewelry worn daily ? class ring watch bracelet necklave [ x ] Pillow cover? white [ x ] Blanket ? white and yellow [ x ] Coffee cup ? I use whatever I find [ x ] Underwear ? pink with swirlys [ x ] Shoes ? barefoot [ x ] Handbag? black [ x ] Favorite shirt? Turquoise [ x ] Cologne/Perfume ? vanilla [ x ] CD in stereo right now ? Default [ x ] Tattoos ? none..yet [ x ] Piercings ? ears--one x ] What you are wearing now ? pajamas--grey sweats and sports bra [ x ] Hair ? straghtened to impress [ x ] Makeup ? mascara and chpstick WHO or WHAT (was/is/are) [ x ] In my mouth? gum [ x ] In my head? boy from entry below [ x ] Wishing? people weren't moving away [ x ] After this ? sleep [ x ] Talking to? Rachel [ x ] Eating ? water [ x ] Fetishes ? feet and eyes [ x ] If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason ? hmmm nobody I would feel really guilty--it would have to be in a war [ x ] Person you wish you could see right now ? Boy from entry below [ x ] Is next to you ? nothing--a chair [ x ] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month? oh goodness nothing [ x ] The last thing you ate? cookie Name three bad habits you have: 1.) plying with my hair 2.) lying 3.) complaining Name four scents you love: 1.) vanilla 2.) Ralph Lauren 3.) stuff in my shower 4.) cologne Name four television shows you love: 1.) Simpsons 2.) Last comic standing 3.) ? 4.) ? Name four drinks you regularly drink: 1.) sprite 2.) water 3.) coca cola 4.) ? Name four random facts about yourself: 1.) im short 2.) my hat matches my eyebrows 3.) I am 18 4.) Im a freshman [ x ] EV 1. Fallen for your Best Friend? no 2. Been rejected? unfortunately for him. 3. Been in lust? definitely 4. Used someone? no not on purpose 5. Been used? prolly 6. Cheated on someone? no 7. Been cheated on? I don't know he won't fee up 8. Done something you regret? of course [ x ] LAST THING..... 11. You touched? the backspace button 12. You talked to? Vicki 13. You hugged? Kyle:) 14. You instant messaged? Rachel 15. You yelled at? Tyler 16. You laughed with? a group of people 17. You had a crush on? boy in entry below 18. Who broke your heart? Billy [ x ] DO YOU... 19. Color your hair? Always 22. Own a web cam? nope 23. Have aol? aim 24. What should you be doing right now? sleeping? 25. What are you listening to? hum of my computer 26. Can you do anything freakish with your body? hhhehehe why don't you comke over and find out 27. Chicken or fish? chicken! 28 Do you have a favorite animal? frogs 29 Is ice cream the best thing in the world? nmot for me Im lactose intolerant 1. What would your dream date be? go carting adn watching movies 2. Single flower or a dozen? depends on which one's more thoughtdul 3. Silver, gold or platinum? SILVER 4. Candle lit dinner in a restaurant or at home? home 5. Roses or wild flowers?wild 6. Silly or serious romance? silly 7. Marvin Gaye or Barry White? who? 8. Do you consider yourself a romantic? NO 9. Shy? Never 10. Boring ? when I am tired 12. The Lovey Dovey type? never What have you done TODAY? Laughed? yes Helped someone? yes Dissected something? yes--my shoe Drank? alcohal? nope never Cut your hair? a little piece cus I got bored--I should never be bored with scissors Kissed someone? no:( Missed someone? of course Told someone you love them? yep Sarah Met someone new? yes--Chris Q. Who is your favourite Spice Girl? Scary Q. Favorite Disney Characters? Sleeping beuty Mulan Little Mermaid Q. Favorite fast food? Fazolis Q. Favorite book? Hitchinking guide Q. Favorite Sports teams? none Q. Favorite song? Whatever Q. What room is your computer in?computer room Q. What is your shoe size? 6 Q. What will you be when you grow up?? A Food person--maybe health inspector Q. What are you doing right now? trying to finish survey YAY Hallelujah I am done!!! REad my entry below if you haven't.
Read 2 comments
I dunno...you're going to have to be tough. I run a tight crew. You can't be all girly on there...we're dirty greasy mean people that rape and pillage for a living. Oh and you're going to need to steal your own sword. If you're ready for that...I'll let you on my ship. Yarrrrgh. Steadfast for the seven seas!
LOL i like ur movies story, thats funny that he stole money.
