
So I should be packing but I haven't written in a while soo... Anyways things are good the 26 yr old still wants to hang out, he's proly desperate or maybe he really likes me. I don't like him nad I will prob give him the cold shoulder... yesterday I hung out with some friends and wanted to go drink but of course nobody was drinking where they wanted to go. We ended up at this apartment where som e highschool guys who wanted to live without their parents moved in. No offense to any highschoolers but once you get to college other parties aren't quite the same. It was so immature, we ended up playing truth or dare... I really wanted to hang out with this adorable guy who I texted and he said he had other plans...so I was stuck at the apartment and came home and went to bed around 12 and then I got a phone call from him around 3, 3 30 so I ended up chilling over at his house and watched a movie and surprisingly enough we didnt kiss or nething which sucks for both of us. I don't like taking the first move especially when I don't know if it will be apreciated so I didn't want to kiss him first.UGH! Oh well at least I know that I am not expected to do things with him.
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dang that must be nice...i could never imagine K7 not making a move on me. it would be nice to just hang out with him for reasons other than sex *sigh*