137. Last days remembered

Listening to: nada
Feeling: lustful
I'm feeling luck y tonight!! Oh YEAH!!! Okay anyways work sucked major booty!!!! I still have a headache and I got off 4 hours ago! Tommorow will be my last Sunday as a highschooler--and I just found out I have to sing tomorrow!! ACK Scary!! Only the part where I don't know three out of the four songs! Well I know them but I don't know the words Mwhahahhaha!! Oh well I will have a lovely filled day I hope! Anyways the answer to my riddle was nothing!! **************My joke for the day********* Two men walked into a bar the third didn't!!
Read 8 comments
Are you sure the answer isn't lice?

'Cause it does qualify. Maybe someone gave you the wrong punchline? Although your joke does have strong themes of reverence, fear, and wry acceptance of socio-economic conditions of the poor.
Neat-O anyway.
I am LDS ... Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints... what is the html code?
yes we are hehe they are called missionarys you should listen to them some time
Great riddle. Are you a nihilist by any chance? I have some riddles, but they're kinda "blue" ....
Whoa, sorry umm... scratch that last comment I sent. Sorry about that.
the new taking back sunday cd is called Where You Want to Be.
This guy walks into a bar. Ouch. That was my joke. Like it?
Hope you had fun singing chickee. Sing your heart out and sing until I can hear you all the way from this hell. Later angel.
Hi, I don't really know you but I was reading your riddle from yesterday and that isn't the whole riddle... it is actually
What is greater than God
More evil than the Devil
The poor have it
The rich need it
and if you eat it you'll die???