
Feeling: lovely
I think its happened three times now. Have you ever like felt secure enough being with one person where you can sleep with them, not like sex, just sleeping. or maybe its like on the phone. you feel secure enough with them if you snore you know they wont care. That's how it is with Justin.I LOVE HIM. Its hard to tell he says its mutual and stuff but.. oh wow. he makes me so happy. he makes me feel like the princess of the world and i'd do anything for him. we're best friends. i mean, i think hes closer than any of my other guy friends are.Now with every up there must be a down right?

justins downs: his girlfriend.

Yeah i dont know whats my problem with his girlfriend...oh wait...yes, his girlfriend ISNT ME.and i really wish it was...i mean some person is going to come on here and leave me an annonmyous comment saying quit trying to mack on other peoples guys...shut up. you dont know. ANYWHO.yeah. i really want to be his girlfriend..and i want to be his to cuddle with and snuggle with and fall asleep with.

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