holy effin crap

Feeling: agitated
ok so my brother has reached an all time low. i mean this was just bad. ok heres the story...ok so jonny cash died a couple days ago :-( alright so the day he died it was like all over the news and me and keith walked out for breakfast that morning and my mom was watching the news and they were like "in other news, jonny cash has tragically died....". my and my mom were like "fuck no!". and my brother goes...(you might want to sit down or get ready to hit something)...he says "who is jonny cash?" i was sooo angered. lol i was like "god damnit keith what the f is wrong with you!?...no just leave!" god. it was bad. but funny. hes never gonna live that down...
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how old is your brother?
some girl in my biology class asked that...everyone was like "WTF YOU DON'T KNOW WHO JOHNNY CASH IS???" yah shes a blonde though so its ok.
crazy.... thats.... just crazy! I cant comprehend that someone would not know who Johnny Cash was... It makes no sense.... none... Whoaaaaa
whoa. thats not cool. I've known who Johnny Cash is since I was like 8. Some people...sheesh.
...your brother didnt know who johnny cash was! thats sooooo horrible. and embarassing. paul. your the best.
hey ho heeeyyyy
paul i think you have reached an all time low cuz you haven't updated in like forever!!! UPDATE -sharla-
hahahahahha.. that's great!!!

I looove jonny cash.. he's great! or was great.. *sigh*