lines of suicide

a friend of mine's life is heading down the shitter very very quickly. shes been into drugs for awhile, but nothing tooo bad(if you can consider any drug not tooo bad). but lately its escalated onto worse and worse things. she keeps either denying everything or says that its all under control. shes terrible at lying. the worse part is that she knows what shes doing will eventually catch up to her. hell, it already has once. even so, she wont do a fucking thing about it. i think ive lost all respect for her. i hate to admit it, but every day she seems more and more like a lost cause. honestly, i dont see why drugs can be that interesting. maybe im just one of those lucky people who can have a great time sober. ps. open your fucking bloodshot eyes! fucking look at what your doing to yourself!
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hey i've got one of those friends too!
but i'm not sure she's as bad....yet
i have friends that use to be like that if you cant help them then you just need them to figure out for themself. sometimes all people need is to learn from there mistakes and hard times.

but im sure if its geting to the point where she is useing all other times i suggest you find her help that can deal with her even if she doesnt want that help.
just my thoughs on it haha sorry if i sound like a know it all. haha. some times i getcarriedaway
wow thats deep.

nice diary btw.
aw thanks
ur cute urself
hi paul.
i clicked random and you came up.
i miss you.
call me.

-stephanie teichen
i know how you feel my friend just happened ot be the same way im sorry you have to go threw that... if you need to talk sometime its easier to talk to strangers so yeah if you need ot im a good listener lol