h to the omecoming and downtown santa ana

Listening to: finch - new kid
Feeling: torn
and there you have it folks...the worst effin week of all time. except for homecoming last night and riding in santa ana today with chris and ryan. usually, im the guy that when something bad happens, he is just like "fuck it. ill get over it. dont live life regretting stuff that you cant fix." but this week, one bad thing kept happining after another and i just got so tired physically and mentally. everything that couldve gone wrong... went wrong this week (minus hc and the aforementioned). i know that alot of you are only still reading this because you want to know what happend but i really dont feel like thinking about it and im just gonna try to foget all that shit and just sleep or something. sorry people. on a lighter note, homecoming was pretty gosh damn fun. we went to bocca de peppes (or however you spell it) for dinner and it was highly italian and good. lol the waiter felt the need to express his deep hatred for disneyland and i almost had to throw down. lol. it was fun. then we mosyed on over to the dance and got down with our bad selves. my date seemed to leave alot but you know. shes hot. she can get away with things like that. the special ehs homecoming hot people list is as follows: eric (he couldnt make it but hes just so damn hot...) linzy josh marrissa eddie jennifer bucky karissa nick tara evan justine brandon brittany justin nicole mat "stepho" kevin kami mike bryanna scott katherine and my brain hurts now. but yall know who you are. so far i think this is probably the longest entry ive made. o well. lets rock and roll today i went to the santa ana civic center with chris and ryan. they're so god damn good i dont even understand it. we found a really big curved wallride and ryan conqured it within a few tries. then chris had his way with the wall and then i finally got the hang of it as well. lol oh yeah. last thursday at the skatepark chris found a funny lookin rubber lobster and duct taped it to the hood of my car and today on the way to santa ana it effin flew off!! it was pretty funny but i had big plans for that little guy. ok back to santa ana. we found some new good street spots and a wierd indian guy sittin on the hip in the civic center. he was playing his little indian whistle thing and was even wearing a indian cheif feather hat thing. santa ana...what a weird place. ok. one more thing to say then im done. we stopped at this burger king in santa ana for some snacks and well...i accidentaly threw away my effin retainer! damnit! i didnt realize i didnt have it until i got home and my mom made me go all the effin way back and tell the manager what went down and then i proceeded to sift threw four fucking bags of trash looking for the bastard thing. earlier this week i even said to eddie "man. its like i never even get embarassed anymore. its wierd". ...well apparently i lied. and with that this entry is officialy done. if your still reading this i guess that means you love me. well i love you too so there. lol
Read 14 comments
o man paul. how embarrassing. o well. you hot. wish i could have gone riding with you, but hc was a blast. o and you hot. - eddie "planesandstars"
did you find it or no???
hey hot stuff. yeah that was a damn long entry and i didnt really read the whole thing but thats only because i love you.
yah well paul, we're hott what can we say?

ugh relationships.

i hate them
but i need them.

I think paul is a sexy man beast
hahaha "stepho"...yah thats me! well im glad u had fun at hc...i did as well. sorry you had a bad week. i hate when that happens. but i hope this week is better for you. :) bye
active users!!!

ya we're HOTT.
BMX KIKS ASS hit me up also my friend I want my numbers up!
BMX KIKS ASS hit me up also my friend I want my numbers up!
BMX KIKS ASS hit me up also my friend I want my numbers up!
BMX KIKS ASS hit me up also my friend I want my numbers up!
sloooowww and steady
hehe i love you! i read it..YAY..haha i had homecoming last night..it wasnt even my school and my date didnt go there either..but my friend ashton did and she invited me and i took him lol. it was pretty gay..not lots of people there and our dates didnt dance to much. blah oh well! lol
Paul i want your damn sn so i can talk to u!!!