damn technology

Feeling: bleh
i just wrote a whole long entry about stuff and then i tried to save it and it said i wasnt logged in and what have you. but riddle me this! if i wasnt logged in, how could i start writing a new entry in the first place!? yeah what now you stupid computer!
Read 5 comments
poor paul..technology just doesn't like you :(

hope to see you tomorrow :)

awww i am sorry paul i woudhave loved to read your entry damn all computers they did it to me 2 we'll sick scooter on them

ahah its dont that 2 me before 2 !!! u should kick it or somthing get it bac!
Paul I'm sorry I made fun of you today. I'm sure it isn't what you needed. Just know that I love you and can't wait till you feel better...
i love you paul. i hope your all better soon. <3